In my practice, several people have already benefited from acupuncture treating long-term complaints after a covid infection.
An increasing number of studies show that acupuncture boosts the immune system. Acupuncture has been shown to reduce chronic pain, anxiety, depression and stress. These are all issues that clearly and adversely affect our immune system. Increasing people’s resistance to future infections may be an important goal for acupuncture related to Covid-19.
In addition, acupuncture has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is especially useful in patients suffering from symptoms caused by the coronavirus. Especially those who suffer from long-term symptoms of the disease, also called long-Covid.
The symptoms range from respiratory symptoms such as coughing and shortness of breath. Fatigue is often seen, as are ‘brain fog’ and impaired concentration.
Rather than focusing on one symptom at a time, acupuncture will help with multiple chronic complaints, taking a holistic approach and supporting the body’s self-healing ability.
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