The perception of pain has a wide range of expressions. It can be perceived as stinging, heavy, burning or stinging. A numbness or an itch can also be seen as an expression of pain. In Chinese medicine, any expression of pain is regarded as a stagnation of energy.
The acupuncture method I use (Si Yuan Balance Method Acupuncture) has a direct effect on this perception of the pain. After inserting a few acupuncture needles, the question that follows will always be, “What are you feeling right now”?
During an one-hour treatment I aim for a 50 to 70% reduction of pain. If this cannot be achieved during the first treatment, I will usually advise not to continue the treatment. An additional advantage of the Balance method is that I never have to put acupuncture needles directly in the spot where the pain is. To give an example, if you’re suffering from a tennis elbow in the right arm, it is the left elbow that will be treated. For neck and shoulder complaints, I will use acupuncture points located on the lower legs or feet.
The treatment plan and the number of treatments for a pain issue will be based on how the issue develops after the first treatment. The less the pain returns after a treatment, the fewer treatments will be needed. For chronic pain – pain that has existed for more than 3 months – an average of 8 to 16 treatments are required.
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