
Acupuncture with a focus on mental and physical health

Chinese medicine has been a natural therapy for mind and body for centuries. The indivisible unity of mind and body is the basis of every treatment. The extent to which the focus is on the mind or body differs per individual and per request for help. In specialism you can read more about the treatment of mental and physical health.



Patients’ experiences

At first I was very skeptical whether acupuncture could reduce my neck pain. After a couple of treatments I felt a noticable difference in the intensity of the pain. Several treatments later, the pain has gone down to such an extent that I hardly experience any pain anymore.- Lisa
It came to no surprise to me that old grief can lead to physical complaints and that feelings of failure, guilt and inadequacy can be toxic to the body. Irene guided me in a very helpful and committed way and supported the process with acupuncture.- Dorine
During the intake, Irene explained very clearly that she could help me but that I should not expect to get rid of it within three treatments. I really appreciated that she was so clear about that. I experienced the treatments as soothing and very positive. The result was and still is that I got rid of my sleep issues!- Danielle