The answer to this question is always an important element in the process of self-healing of mental and emotional complaints. Only if we can read this foundation within ourselves, exactly as we wrote it there ourselves as a child, will it become inclusive and make self-healing possible.... read more →
The Balance Method More and more acupuncturists worldwide are using Dr. Richard The-Fu Tan's Balance Method. In 2016 he came to teach this method in the Netherlands for the first time and I consider myself lucky that I could be there. Later I followed additional training with... read more →
In the spring, the wind carries clouds of pollen through the air. This causes stress to people who have a predisposition to hay fever. Their immune system overreacts to pollen grains with an excessive production of histamine. This causes irritation to the mucous membranes of the nose,... read more →
Whenever I see the character for the heart, it makes me smile, recognising a symbol that looks like an ancient smiley. Of course the meaning of the character of the heart is much more profound than a smiling emoji. In Chinese medical philosophy there is a strong... read more →
The Chinese New Year starts tomorrow. It is celebrated on the basis of the second or third new moon after the winter solstice, which usually falls around the shortest day on December 21. This year is the year of the tiger, one of the twelve animals in... read more →
In winter we are in the water phase. This phase is considered the first phase of the Chinese five phase circle. Water resonates with the silence and inner reflection of the winter season. The emotions associated with the water phase are anxiety and depression. Like any emotion... read more →
In my practice, several people have already benefited from acupuncture treating long-term complaints after a covid infection. An increasing number of studies show that acupuncture boosts the immune system. Acupuncture has been shown to reduce chronic pain, anxiety, depression and stress. These are all issues that clearly... read more →
Meridians are described as the "pathways" through which the energy (Qi) flows. This notion can lead to a limited representation of what Qi essentially is. Using an analogy, we can compare the lines of the meridians on the body with the lines on a weather... read more →
The perception of pain has a wide range of expressions. It can be perceived as stinging, heavy, burning or stinging. A numbness or an itch can also be seen as an expression of pain. In Chinese medicine, any expression of pain is regarded as a... read more →
Just as physical pain reflects a stagnation of energy, emotional pain is also a signal that something in life is stagnating. Something about the way you live your life isn't working for you. Emotional pain can lead to all kinds of behavioural patterns. To give a... read more →