In winter we are in the water phase. This phase is considered the first phase of the Chinese five phase circle. Water resonates with the silence and inner reflection of the winter season.
The emotions associated with the water phase are anxiety and depression. Like any emotion we are aware of, it is a form of energy that is basically neutral. Emotions are not automatically good or bad, but are coloured by what we make of them. The colour of the Chinese water phase is black, and strangely enough we ‘ourselves determine’ whether our anxiety or depression is deep black or light gray.
An acupuncture treatment for relieving water-emotions uses the meridians associated with the water phase. These are the kidney, bladder and ren mai meridian. Blockages, stagnations or a void of energy in these meridians support the repetition and the locking of the emotion. Our meridians are energetically conditioned in the same way as our idea of who we are, what stories we live in, and what beliefs we have about ourselves. Meridians can fix an emotion, but can also help release it.
If you are sensitive to emotions of fear or gloom, the winter season is the perfect time to practice yourself becoming more aware of energy of the water meridians. Especially taijiquan or qigong practice can help you to enlarge the flow of these meridians. Also in Zen meditation or mindfulness, silence and inner reflection can create the conditions to experience more light in a dark water-emotion.
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