The Balance Method
More and more acupuncturists worldwide are using Dr. Richard The-Fu Tan’s Balance Method. In 2016 he came to teach this method in the Netherlands for the first time and I consider myself lucky that I could be there. Later I followed additional training with him abroad. Beside being a leading authority in the acupuncture profession, he is the most inspiring and brilliant teacher I have come across. From his heart, and with compassion, love and humour he showed us how elegant and effective an acupuncture treatment can be. Sadly he passed away a few years ago but fortunately other teachers have taken over his mission.
The Balance Method is mainly known for the effective treatment of pain, but the method can also be widely used for other complaints.
The chart that you see on the left has been hanging in the treatment room for some time now. With this I have tried to express the Balance Method as an opening flower, to emphasize the shining elegance of this method allowing the meridians to balance each other in different ways.
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